How To | Linkvertise Bypass Method (Working for

Due to some legal issues, Universal Bypass was forced not to bypass Linkvertise links.

Although, it tries it’s best to remove its annoying steps but you still have to wait.

Step 1: Install Universal Bypass
Step 2: Go to options of Universal Bypass and scroll down to Custom Bypasses.

Now write the whole script shown in the picture in the box.

Just go Script v2.0, Copy the Script and paste it in the box.
Don’t Use Universal Bypass Here, please.

Now, your Universal Bypasser is fully loaded to Bypass Linkvertise Links,

For H-gen you’ve to work hard because the site itself detects Universal Bypass.
For rest, you can go on.

Step 1: Turn on Universal Bypasser only when you’re on Linkvertise Link.
(Keep it off when on h-gen or you’ll not be able to proceed.)

Step 2: When the Linkvertise page is opened, Turn On Universal Bypasser and refresh the page.

Step 3: After this, the original link will pop out ( So turn off Universal Bypasser and you’ll get the account.



Working perfectly :heart_eyes:
Thanks man!

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you tried on h gen linkvertise link?

Yes, just follow the above easy steps exactly.
When you go to and choose the account you want, you will be redirected to linkvertise. There, you will find that the script already bypassed watching the video, reading the article and the wait time. You will even be automatically redirected to account page.

Have fun :wink:

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Thank you. It’s working. But for some website, it still asking for notifications activation

not working…thanks

Working perfectly for me! Thank you very much.

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working smoothly thanks for sharing. :slight_smile:

not working, it redirects to

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When it redirects to

give me error check image given below:

STEP1:select the account tat u want to genetate.

STEP2: then it will take u to linkvertise

now here is the thing they have used base64 for the url encoding so u can use easily decode the direct link.

guys this is for knowldeg guys dont misuse guys…


Awesome it’s working. Thanks

Yes, works 4 me!
