How I Bypass Paywalls to Access Articles

It can be really frustrating when you’re searching for information, find a relevant article through Google, and then hit a paywall (The New York Times, Harvard Business Review, Financial Times are common culprit, but there are others too).

Since I don’t read these publications often, paying for a full subscription just for a few articles per year doesn’t make sense to me.

Here’s a trick I use:

Visit or

Simply paste the article’s URL into the field with the red box and click “save”.

This method works for many sites, though not all. It’s also not the best experience on mobile, so I recommend using it on a laptop for better results.


Try Chrome extension - Fast forward also works very well.

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Thanks, tried and works on

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What Chrome extension are you using?

Try this -

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I understand that it is not working for all sites. . thanks for your share though :+1:

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