

Been in tech for many years evolves very fast
resource for hard to get information

  1. vin look ups
  2. titles
  3. legal loophooles
  4. competitor info
  5. have complete ready to go info on companies, organizations,
  6. no affiliation with any country, creed, sports, college…i work for myself to make money – i help people bypass the country i live to get resources, save money and exploit weaknesses
  7. the thing to know about me. i obssess about something to learn in and then if it does not offer a challenge, i go onto something else
  8. there are no boundries except what people accept and place on themselves --religions, flags…ect are designed to keep poor people where they are and rich people (truly powerful people) where they are … i dont judge what people do–as long as it does no affect me or mine…we are good