DMCode | Tool That Allows You To Upload Your Code To An FTP Server Without Any FTP-Clients

DMC ( Deploy My Code )

DMCode – like a deploy my code Allows you to upload your code to an ftp server without any ftp/sftp clients.

why is this needed?

for example, you need to quickly deploy code or files to a remote ftp or sftp server directly from a directory with easy-to-understand console commands.

Where is working?

  • Linux
  • MacOS
  • Windows

TODO v1.0

  • add sftp support available in v.0.2
  • add mysql backup restore
  • ask user when replacing file [–replace ASK|NOT|default: replace all]


Using the configuration file dmc.ini , you can exclude directories, files or file extensions that you do not need, and more. Just execute the command in the desired directory for ftp :

dmcode –ftp

or for sftp :

dmcode –sftp

or specify ftp settings right away:

dmcode –ftp|–sftp –host –port –password –path /var/www/html

this is to create a configuration file dmc.ini that you can edit.

only_ext = !not working! 
ignore_ext = ignored extensions for upload
ignore_files = ignored file names for upload
ignore_dirs = ignored directory names for upload
max_size_dir = allowed maximal directory size for upload (in Bytes)
max_size_file = allowed maximal file size for upload (in Bytes)


pip install dmcode


git clone && cd dmcode python install

Deploy your code

Just execute:

dmcode –dmc_ftp|–dmc_sftp

Download dmcode

ENJOY! :+1:


Awesome post Sam!

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Very nice tool.

Thanks a bundle, dear Chief SAM !

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