Now choose any credit card number and copy/paste into this below website search bar to check if the card is valid or not, check the below image for the correct result.
Connect any USA Location, I tried this location using NordVPN, also clear your browser cache and stuff before hand…
City: Secaucus
State: New Jersey
Country: United States
Postal Code: 07094
Time Zone: -04:00
Once you verify that your generated card is valid, then use it on Hotstar, go to and click on any premium movie and wait for the msg to pop and then continue to any plan monthly or annual for my case I tried "Sports & Entertainment Annual"
Thanks @TheJoker for share. I followed your steps and When I tried, I noticed two things.
When You connect to US VPN… and browse . Website asks for redirecting to
When I clicked on then I can see option to go for annual subscription and sign up for email.
after entering cc details, although I got same success message … but when I go profile. I can see next billing details is today i.e. 25 Aug 2019.
Even from Ops Screen next billing details is of current year. i.e. 2019. Also I didn’t get any email from Hotstar about registartion. Is it just with me or anybody else also didn’t receive any email.
the billing date is the date you register. Today is 26th aug and your next billing date is I guess 25th aug. Its kind of glitch I think and thus your account is active as the date is in the past and the system can’t bill you.
yeah im facing the same issue buddy… it appears like doesnt have any premium features available. also after billing we cannot open purchased account in india hostar website …