Advice for someone starting out in hacking

Hey guys,

I’m looking for some resources that will be helpful for learning to hack.
I have no previous knowledge is hacking other than running some scripts copied from the web.

If you have good experience with hacking, it will be very helpful if you could answer these questions.

  1. What are your favourite instructional books or resources name on this subject? If people were to teach themselves, what would you suggest they use.

  2. If you were to train me for 12 weeks for a hacking competition and had a million dollars on the line, what would the training look like? What if I trained for 8 weeks?

  3. What are the common mistakes beginners make? Where should I not waste my time?

  4. What advice do you have on staying anonymous? How can I ensure my security and not get caught?

  5. Is there any course or resource that will help me cover the basics in under 3 days?

  6. What common mistakes can you see even at pro level.

  7. Are there any movies or TV shows for providing inspiration (other than Mr. Robot)


Cmon guys,someone pls help me

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Hello friend!
Quick Summary: Use Book White Hat Hacking

Long Answer: Since you’re a bit eager am posting stuff as I type, Hold On

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This is a personal opinion so please take it as a opinion :slight_smile:

White Hat Hacking
Learning Kali Linux: Security Testing, Penetration Testing, and Ethical Hacking
Kali Linux Revealed

Training Style:
Hands On (this is the best style)

Skipping learning programming language, trust me it’s the most important part. If world’s top hacker comes to me and says all of your advice is wrong I’ll happily accept but not this one. You have to have atleast one programming language in your toolkit. Programming lets you understand the core of hacking and computers.

Here at 1Hack we have a tons of tutorials for being anonymous. Moreover these books cover that topic pretty well

Well it requires time, it’s not a magic trick. You can learn a tool in a few days but it wont be of any help until you know how it works because for hacking something you need to figure out which tool to use and that’s important decision.



hackers are a good programmer first.
learn C C++ and some scripting language …
if you don’t learn these…trust me you are on your way to become Greatest Script Kiddie ever !

other people gonna post load of stuff ! just have some patience :slight_smile:


i would say look at what real hackers do or did most of us here are script kiddies we can hack your wifi or gain access to a computer but not by our own invention.
There is a guy named “GeoHot” he did fair share of hacks thats openly known in public
can see a video of his you might get a hint regarding what you need
George Hotz

…why i remember this guy becase he made an android exploit back ten that helped me root my mobile as well as tons of other androids too with single click from an app that also without unlocking bootloader!


Most of the people I know into hacking started at an early age driven by curiosity and wanting to know how things work and what would happen if I do this… and things like that. It was mainly this curiosity what drove them to learn more and more and not from books or videos, but mostly by trying things, deconstructing stuff, reverse-engineering stuff, asking themselves what would happen if I do this or that … will I get the outcome I expect? etc. Of course they also relied on books and things like that but these people people also had the skill () to “get” and “understand” (like a good car mechanic knows and understands everything about cars, models, engines, and how they work, etc) completely things like systems, pipelines, logic, whatever and it came naturally and things like that TAKE TIME to develop.
I almost fell off my chair laughing when I saw that “learn under 3 days” haha.


If you want to become “Hacker” it’ll take a couple of years learning all concepts+ programming languages like c , python, assembly and few operating structures and their architecture.

If you want to become “Script kiddie” it’ll take a couple of weeks and hard mug up on OS and it’s architecture without programming languages.

:sweat_smile: Anyhow both will get you a job but make a choice the choice is yours :smiling_face:


Thank you guys for replying. It was really helpful.
I’ll be learning python soon. Hope I’ll be a hacker someday😊

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Best of luck friend


To Getting Started Sort Of:


Good luck & Happy Learning! :+1:


Nice advice bro. I am going to be a hacker😎

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I have a math degree and I love hacking.So I switch my field to info sec when I graduate.I would recommend you to have good understanding of networking.

Some millionaire bug bounty for motivation

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OMG, thanks Sam.

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