What's on your desktop? | Rainmeter allows you to display customizable skins on your desktop

What’s on your desktop?

Rainmeter allows you to display customizable skins on your desktop, from hardware usage meters to fully functional audio visualizers.

You are only limited by your imagination and creativity.

  • Rainmeter in particular is very popular for it’s wide variety of skins (including some which mimic macOS) and the ease with which one can make their own Rainmeter skins. Just like an Android interface, you can change backgrounds and have the ability to add widgets which can give you information about your PC and your surroundings.

Pros: You getting a more beautiful desktop with gimmics

Cons: Rainmeter eats your RAM, so you don’t have many Free RAM left. However, it can use quite a bit of system resources if you have too many skins loaded.

Community Showcase

Here’s a small collection of creative desktops made by the Rainmeter community.



Howling AT-AT by JumatsMomento by HipHopiumRime Rainmeter by IroasetaCyberpunk Coffee by Labr4tClean Daft Punk setup by The_siderianBlue and Simple by keeWendpolybar by khanhasGeometry Rainmeter by IroasetaZelda theme 2.0 by NicoNoFace

Rainmeter is open source software distributed free of charge under the terms of the GNU GPL v2 license.


Can I customize my skin with this? :dancer:


Nope, you can’t hun! You’re already beautiful from the day you’ve been coded! :heart:


Hi! To find out what I can do, say @Nina display help.


Hi, @Nina I broke up with Cortana, please don’t display anything for a moment. :crazy_face:

WARNING: Don’t play with the bot when it’s not in the mood. Love ya’ll :revolving_hearts: