Unlock a Free Fireship.io PRO Account with Our Tampermonkey Script! ๐Ÿ”“

Step 1: Install The tampermonkey chrome extension Tampermonkey

Step 2: Add the extension to the chrome

Step 3: Click on Tampermonkey Chrome Extension and Click to Create a New Script

Step 4: Change Script

Script LINK

Step 5: Enable the Script in the fireship.io page

Step 6: Go ahead and watch any Pro Fireship course

Note: Please check all steps before posting anything; refresh the page if it asks for sign in at course section

Credits: CH Admin


Thank you!


Yes, as image shows itโ€™s working but all videos are not playable sometime itโ€™s showing privacy error and after reload itโ€™s just blank. But yes itโ€™s working as like image. if possible please solve the issue show we can injoy those videos :no_mouth:

Thank you
God bless you

Iโ€™m using this script, just paste it once into the console and Iโ€™m done, no issues with it for many months:

setInterval(() => {
    document.querySelectorAll("[free=\"\"]").forEach(el => el.setAttribute("free", true)) // set all elements with the attribute free set to "" to true
    if (document.querySelector("if-access [slot=\"granted\"]")) { // replace HOW TO ENROLL to YOU HAVE ACCESS
        document.querySelector("if-access [slot=\"denied\"]").remove()
        document.querySelector("if-access [slot=\"granted\"]").setAttribute("slot", "denied")
    if (document.querySelector("video-player")?.shadowRoot?.querySelector(".vid")?.innerHTML) return; // return if no video player
    const vimeoId = document.querySelector("global-data").vimeo; // get id for vimeo video
    const youtubeId = document.querySelector("global-data").youtube; // get id for vimeo video
    if (vimeoId) { // if there is an id,
        document.querySelector("video-player").setAttribute("free", true) // set free to true
        document.querySelector("video-player").shadowRoot.querySelector(".vid").innerHTML = `<iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/${vimeoId}" allow="autoplay; fullscreen; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen="" title="${location.pathname.split("/")[3]}" width="426" height="240" frameborder="0"></iframe>` // set video
    if (youtubeId) { // if there is an id,
        document.querySelector("video-player").setAttribute("free", true) // set free to true
        document.querySelector("video-player").shadowRoot.querySelector(".vid").innerHTML = `<iframe src="https://youtube.com/embed/${youtubeId}" allow="autoplay; fullscreen; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen="" title="${location.pathname.split("/")[3]}" width="426" height="240" frameborder="0"></iframe>` // set video
}, 100)

I hope this solves your problem. The code is almost identical with the one provided on tampermonkey, I hope this solves it. Fireship guy most probably left this intented for people that really want to learn but donโ€™t want to pay. Kind of a nice gesture that if thereโ€™s a want thereโ€™s always gonna be how.

Happy learning, he has really nice coures and makes fun most of the time.


Brilliant. working for me

it did not work for me so i found the latest version and updated it to hide the pro buttons too : `// ==UserScript==
// @name :fire: Freeship
// @namespace lemons
// @version 1.7
// @description Unlock all Fireship PRO courses/lessons.
// @author lemons
// @match https://fireship.io/*
// @icon https://em-content.zobj.net/source/apple/391/fire_1f525.png
// @grant none
// @downloadURL https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/455330/Freeship.user.js
// @updateURL https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/455330/Freeship.meta.js
// ==/UserScript==

const ifProElement = document.querySelector(โ€˜if-proโ€™);
ifProElement.style.display = โ€˜noneโ€™;

setInterval(async () => {
document.querySelectorAll(โ€œ[free=""]โ€).forEach(el => el.setAttribute(โ€œfreeโ€, true)) // set all elements with the attribute free set to โ€œโ€ to true

if (document.querySelector("if-access [slot=\"granted\"]")) { // replace HOW TO ENROLL to YOU HAVE ACCESS
    document.querySelector("if-access [slot=\"denied\"]").remove()
    document.querySelector("if-access [slot=\"granted\"]").setAttribute("slot", "denied")

if (document.querySelector("video-player")?.shadowRoot?.querySelector(".vid")?.innerHTML) return; // return if no video player
const vimeoId = Number(atob(document.querySelector("global-data").vimeo)); // get id for vimeo video
const youtubeId = atob(document.querySelector("global-data").youtube); // get id for vimeo video

if (youtubeId) { // if there is an id,
    document.querySelector("video-player").setAttribute("free", true) // set free to true
    document.querySelector("video-player").shadowRoot.querySelector(".vid").innerHTML = `<iframe src="https://youtube.com/embed/${youtubeId}" allow="autoplay; fullscreen; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen="" title="${location.pathname.split("/")[3]}" width="426" height="240" frameborder="0"></iframe>` // set video
if (vimeoId) { // if there is an id,
    document.querySelector("video-player").setAttribute("free", true) // set free to true
    const html = (await fetch(`https://vimeo.com/api/oembed.json?url=https%3A%2F%2Fvimeo.com%2F${vimeoId}&id=${vimeoId}`).then(r=>r.json())).html
    document.querySelector("video-player").shadowRoot.querySelector(".vid").innerHTML = html // set video

}, 100)`

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works fine for me! thanks!

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For anyone wondering in the future, this is the script used to make it work with tampermonkey as the one in the post is OLD and only a version 1.5, the current version is 1.12+:

You can also look for a script called โ€œFreeshipโ€. If the script stops working then update the script.