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How to install openvpn on tails os and connect with config .ovpn file.
EX: if i have nordvpn .ovpn config file then how to use and connect with openvpn in tails os system.
means with help of Terminal and using commands.
so please any method for help.
Tails doesn’t save anything so im not sure what your goal is to install open vpn (if its not native already) is it necessary considering its tor already?
Install OpenVPN inside of Tails and then properly set up the settings. You have to know your way around tech stuff to succeed with this method.
In order to do this, you need to have sudo access when booting. Install OpenVPN, and change the network settings so as to reroute the traffic through Tor first, before it reaches the OpenVPN interface.
- Remember that these settings are not persistent. If you reboot the computer or the router, all the settings will return to their default state and you have to redo the entire process.
How set up and connect anonymous VPN in Tails OS using OpenVPN
This script is only for
i want to know how to install openvpn on tails os and connect .ovpn files of any vpn
like, nord proton express HMA
Check this guide, it will help you, just Ctrl + F and get to the point! “Configuring a VPN to work over Tor on Tails”
Thanks to all for sharing