Reviews and ratings for freelancer accounts

I’m working as a freelancer (Software Engineer). How can i get more reviews for my upwork, or fiverr accounts.

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Here is possible solutions

  1. Hack the review system and change the number yourself
  2. Do your best on the freelance jobs and proudly get recognized from the market by yourself.
  • make a good look and portfolios


To be the best on Fiverr, you have to generate a lot of reviews. The most surefire way to do this? Buy fake one’s.

Now it may be tempting to go onto a platform like Fiverr and buy reviews to give your business a boost, and that would be a big mistake.

These reviews will (at best) leave a random and unrelated comment, and are easy to spot as being fake.

A genuine review will share information about the product or service, and be a benefit to the person reading it.

  • I have not done this personally, but read multiple articles with “tricks” or “secrets” to excel on Fiverr. Creating your own reviews was in every one.