Rasperry Pi Flashing Under Linux For RDP

This is a guide to install Raspberry Pi, I find it useful to use it to use RDP to access without using windows.

Download Rasperry Pi Image from here:


  1. Open a terminal in the application menu

  2. Inserts a blank SD card into the card reader connected to the PC

  3. Call up the menu by entering the command :

sudo fdisk -l

The list of the connected data carriers.

Locate the SD cards by their size and note the device address e.g. /dev/sdX.

  1. Use the cd command to change to the directory with the IMG file you extracted from a ZIP file.

  2. Now enter the command

dd if=[name of image file].img of=/dev/sdX bs=2m

To flash the file to the SD card which can be accessed under the device address from step 3. Name of the image file is only a placeholder for the actual name of the file extracted from the ZIP archive. The following process will take a while, so please be patient. During the flashing process no alerts will be displayed on the screen until the process is finished.

Happy learning!