Insta Follower Bot | An Automation Tool To Make The Target Of The Script Follow Your Profile On Instagram

Insta Follower Bot

Insta Follower Bot is an automation script in python that follows a given Instagram profile.


  • Python must be installed on your targets machine.


  1. Download the repository containing the Insta_follower_bot.pyw script and the instagram_link.ini configuration file.
  2. Open the instagram_link.ini configuration file in a text editor and replace with the link to the Instagram profile you want your target to follow.
  3. If your Instagram profile does not have a profile picture, open the Insta_follower_bot.pyw script in a text editor and set the Profile_picture variable to False.
  4. (Optional) For advanced users: If you prefer not to use a configuration file, you can edit the Insta_follower_bot.pyw script directly and adjust the INSTAGRAM_LINK variable. Ensure to add a delay (time.sleep(3)) after
  5. Run the script on the target’s machine.
  6. Profit.

Unique Features

  • The script will delete itself after execution, or in case of an error.
  • Our Deletion Bypass method leaves no trace of the script behind, not even in the Recycle Bin.
  • Follow method variably, depending on the elements of the profile.


The full Changelog can be found here.


This tool is meant for research purposes only. The developer and contributors are not responsible for any misuse or for any damages that you may cause. You agree that you use this software at your own risk. Interactions with platforms like Instagram can violate their terms of service. Use this script responsibly and ethically.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. This license does not imply any guarantee or warranty of any kind.
