I need Guidance in Live

Hello, I’m 27 years old and I’m kinda lost :frowning:

I’m starting to learn python and I have no job and in the country where I’m living coronavirus is a mad threat. I would like to know what can I do to at least learn the essential about python so I can get a job.

Start with this https://www.udemy.com/course/the-python-bible/ . It contains the basics and you will be able to grasp it within 4-5 days going at an average speed.
Other resources you can check out for basic and intermediate content are :

  1. Youtube 1
  2. Youtube 2

These are some helpful subreddits you can use in your journey:

  1. Reddit 1
  2. Reddit 2
  3. Reddit 3

Once you have a good idea about the basics you need to decide(according to your country needs) which branch you wanna explore (web dev, DS & Algo, Data Science etc). Until then brush up your basics.