How To Find Domains Who Have Value

I recently got interested in domain flipping and found a nice method myself how to find good domains.

  1. Google for most common used words in your language

  2. Copy thesse words in a text file, every text file must have max 5K words in them.

  3. Go here and enter your word list.

  4. Done! Good luck!.



@NoBody: I would add a suggestion to this: To maximize the value don’t just Google for common words. Go to and do some careful searches for the present day or the current week or so. This site shows analytics of the most current searches being done. For example, if there’s a lot of a particular topic being searched (these days that may be “Coronavirus” or “Black Lives Matter”) then words and expressions related to these topics will probably be best to select from. Sometimes there may be trends that you may not even be awar of. A mercenary way to look at it, but hey, if it makes money then it’s good.