Google Triumphs in Lawsuit Against DMCA Takedown Scammers! ⚖️


  1. Default Judgment Secured
    Google has won a default judgment against two individuals who misused its DMCA takedown system to falsely target 117,000 URLs belonging to competitors, resulting in a significant legal victory for the tech giant.

  2. Fraudulent Takedown Requests
    The defendants, Nguyen Van Duc and Pham Van Thien, allegedly submitted over 100,000 fraudulent takedown notices, particularly against third-party T-shirt shops, prompting Google to take legal action.

  3. No Response from Defendants
    Despite efforts to summon the defendants through their Gmail accounts and SMS, neither appeared in court. As a result, Google sought a default judgment, claiming violations of the DMCA and contract breaches under California law.

  4. Injunction Issued
    The court has now prohibited the defendants from sending false takedown notices and from creating new Google accounts, aiming to curb further abuse of the system.

  5. Focus on Prevention, Not Compensation
    Interestingly, Google did not seek monetary damages despite the extensive violations. The primary goal was to halt the abusive practices and protect consumers and businesses affected by the fraudulent claims.

Read more at: TorrentFreak | Court Document

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