Google Docs Keyboard Shortcuts For Windows And MacOS

Knowing keyboard shortcuts for Google Docs can significantly boost your productivity and streamline your workflow. Here’s a list of Google Docs keyboard shortcuts to help you do just that.

Common Actions

Action Windows Mac
Copy Control + C Command + C
Cut Control + X Command + X
Paste Control + V Command + V
Paste w/o Formatting Control + Shift + V Command + Shift + V
Undo Control + Z Command + Z
Redo Control + Shift + Z Command + Shift + Z
Insert Link Control + K Command + K
Open Link Alt + Enter Option + Enter
Show Shortcuts Control + / Command + /
Save Control + S Command + S
Print Control + P Command + P
Open Control + O Command + O
Find Control + F Command + F
Find & Replace Control + H Command + Shift + H
Find Again Control + G Command + G
Find Previous Control + Shift + G Command + Shift + G
Hide Menus Control + Shift + F Control + Shift + F
Insert Page Break Control + Enter Command + Enter
Tool Finder Alt + / Option + /
Repeat Action Control + Y Command + Y
Edit Mode Control + Alt + Shift + Z Command + Option + Shift + Z
Suggest Mode Control + Alt + Shift + X Command + Option + Shift + X
View Mode Control + Alt + Shift + C Command + Option + Shift + C
Zoom In Control + + Command + +
Zoom Out Control + – Command + –
Zoom 100% Control + 0 Command + 0

Text and Paragraph Formatting

Action Windows Mac
Bold Control + B Command + B
Italic Control + I Command + I
Underline Control + U Command + U
Strikethrough Alt + Shift + 5 Command + Shift + X
Superscript Control + . Command + .
Subscript Control + , Command + ,
Copy Formatting Control + Alt + C Command + Option + C
Paste Formatting Control + Alt + V Command + Option + V
Clear Formatting Control + |Command + |
Increase Font Size Control + Shift + . Command + Shift + .
Decrease Font Size Control + Shift + , Command + Shift + ,
Increase Indent Control + ] Command + ]
Decrease Indent Control + [ Command + [
Normal Text Control + Alt + 0 Command + Option + 0
Heading [1-6] Control + Alt + 1 to 6 Command + Option + 1 to 6
Left Align Control + Shift + L Command + Shift + L
Center Align Control + Shift + E Command + Shift + E
Right Align Control + Shift + R Command + Shift + R
Justify Control + Shift + J Command + Shift + J
Numbered List Control + Shift + 7 Command + Shift + 7
Bulleted List Control + Shift + 8 Command + Shift + 8
Checklist Control + Shift + 9 Command + Shift + 9
Move Paragraph Control + Shift + Up Arrow / ↓ Control + Shift + Up Arrow / ↓

Images and Drawings

Action Windows Mac
Alt Text Control + Alt + Y Command + Option + Y
Resize Larger Control + Alt + K Command + Control + K
Resize Larger Horizontally Control + Alt + B Command + Control + B
Resize Larger Vertically Control + Alt + I Command + Control + I
Resize Smaller Control + Alt + J Command + Control + J
Resize Smaller Horizontally Control + Alt + W Command + Control + W
Resize Smaller Vertically Control + Alt + Q Command + Control + Q
Rotate Clockwise 15Γƒβ€šΓ‚Β° Alt + β†’ Option + β†’
Rotate Counterclockwise 15Γƒβ€šΓ‚Β° Alt + ← Option + ←
Rotate Counterclockwise 1Γƒβ€šΓ‚Β° Alt + Shift + ← Option + Shift + ←
Rotate Clockwise 1Γƒβ€šΓ‚Β° Alt + Shift + β†’ Option + Shift + β†’
Close Editor Shift + Escape Command + Escape / Shift + Escape

Comments and Footnotes

Action Windows Mac
Insert Comment Control + Alt + M Command + Option + M
Open Discussion Control + Alt + Shift + A Command + Option + Shift + A
Enter Comment Control + Alt + E then C Control + Command + E then C
Insert Footnote Control + Alt + F Command + Option + F
Move to Footnote Control + Alt + E then F Control + Command + E then F
Next Footnote Control + Alt + N then F Control + Command + N then F
Previous Footnote Control + Alt + P then F Control + Command + P then F
Next Suggestion Control + Alt + N then U Control + Command + N then U
Previous Suggestion Control + Alt + P then U Control + Command + P then U
Review Edits Control + Alt + O then U Control + Command + O then U
Next Comment Control + Alt + N then C Control + Command + N then C
Previous Comment Control + Alt + P then C Control + Command + P then C
Comment History Control + Alt + Shift + A Command + Option + Shift + A


Action Windows Mac
Context Menu Control + Shift + X Command + Shift + |
File Menu Alt + F Control + Option + F
Edit Menu Alt + E Control + Option + E
View Menu Alt + V Control + Option + V
Insert Menu Alt + I Control + Option + I
Format Menu Alt + O Control + Option + O
Tools Menu Alt + T Control + Option + T
Help Menu Alt + H Control + Option + H
Accessibility Menu Alt + A Control + Option + A
Input Tools Control + Alt + Shift + K Command + Option + Shift + K

Text Selection (Keyboard)

Action Windows Mac
Select All Control + A Command + A
Select None Control + Alt + U then A Control + Command + U then A
Extend Char Selection Shift + ← / β†’
Extend Line Selection Shift + ↑ / ↓
Extend Word Selection Control + Shift + ← / β†’ Command + Shift + ← / β†’
Extend to Line Start Shift + Home Shift + Fn + ←
Extend to Line End Shift + End Shift + Fn + β†’
Extend to Doc Start Control + Shift + Home Command + Shift + ↑
Extend to Doc End Control + Shift + End Command + Shift + ↓

Text Selection (Mouse)

Action Windows and Mac
Select Word Double-click
Extend Word Selection Double-click + Drag
Select Paragraph Triple-click
Extend Paragraph Selection Triple-click + Drag

Screen Reader

Action Windows Mac
Enable Screen Reader Control + Alt + Z Option + Command + Z
Enable Braille Control + Alt + H Command + Option + H
Verbalize Selection Control + Alt + A then X Control + Command + A then X
Verbalize from Cursor Control + Alt + A then R Control + Command + A then R
Announce Cursor Location Control + Alt + A then L Control + Command + A then L


Action Windows Mac
Show Outline Control + Alt + A then H Control + + Command + A then H
Next Heading Control + Alt + N then H Control + + Command + N then H
Previous Heading Control + Alt + P then H Control + + Command + P then H
Next Media Control + Alt + N then G Control + + Command + N then G
Previous Media Control + Alt + P then G Control + + Command + P then G


Action Windows Mac
Start of Table Control + Alt + Shift + T then S Control + Command + Shift + T then S
End of Table Control + Alt + Shift + T then D Control + Command + Shift + T then D
Start of Column Control + Alt + Shift + T then I Control + Command + Shift + T then I
End of Column Control + Alt + Shift + T then K Control + Command + Shift + T then K
Next Column Control + Alt + Shift + T then B Control + Command + Shift + T then B
Previous Column Control + Alt + Shift + T then V Control + Command + Shift + T then V
Start of Row Control + Alt + Shift + T then J Control + Command + Shift + T then J
End of Row Control + Alt + Shift + T then L Control + Command + Shift + T then L
Next Row Control + Alt + Shift + T then M Control + Command + Shift + T then M
Previous Row Control + Alt + Shift + T then G Control + Command + Shift + T then G
Exit Table Control + Alt + Shift + T then E Control + Command + Shift + T then E

Other Shortcuts

Action Windows Mac
Revision History Control + Alt + Shift + H Command + Option + Shift + H
Explore Tool Control + Alt + Shift + I Command + Option + Shift + I
Spelling/Grammar Control + Alt + X / F7 Command + Option + X / Fn + F7
Dictionary Control + Shift + Y Command + Shift + Y
Word Count Control + Shift + C Command + Shift + C
Voice Typing Control + Shift + S Command + Shift + S
Side Panel Control + Alt + . / , Command + Option + . / ,
Page Up Page Up Fn + ↑
Page Down Page Down Fn + ↓
Next Misspelling Control + β€˜ Command + β€˜
Previous Misspelling Control + ; Command + ;
Header Control + Alt + O then H Control + Command + O then H
Footer Control + Alt + O then F Control + Command + O then F
Focus to Popup Control + Alt + E then P Control + Command + E then P
Focus Out of Text Control + Alt + Shift + M Command + Option + Shift + M
Return to Text Escape
Show Person Info Alt + β†’ Option + β†’
Toggle Checkbox Control + Alt + Enter Command + Option + Enter

Happy learning!