[GET] Udemy Premium Cookies

How to Get Udemy Premium Account Cookies Unlocking Udemy Premium Courses for Free

Step-by-Step Guide to Using Udemy Premium Cookies

Step 1: Copying the Udemy Premium Cookies
Cookies Paste: https://controlc.com/37bb134e
Password: muhammadsuheer

Step 2: Install the Cookie-Editor Extension

  1. Open your web browser (e.g., Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox).
  2. Search for a Cookie Editor extension.
  3. Click the “Add to Chrome” or “Add to Firefox” button to install the extension.

Step 3: Pin the Cookie Editor Extension

Once the extension is installed, its symbol will appear in your browser’s toolbar (often in the top-right corner). Pin the extension and open Udemy.

Step 4: Delete Default Udemy Cookies

A cookie can be deleted by selecting it from the list and then looking for an “All Delete” or trash can icon. The specified cookie will be deleted when you click on it.

Step 5: Add New Cookies

  1. Look for an option like the “Import Cookie” button in the Cookie Editor window to add a new cookie.
  2. Paste the cookie you copied from the trusted source mentioned earlier and click the import icon.
  3. Refresh the page (Press CTRL + R).

You Will be logged into the Udemy Premium Account.


Did all, After reload. Not loggedin by default. When nagivated to login page, asks for password.

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Thanks bro, you are rockstar
May God bless you eternally

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then you are not following well the instructions


I tried agian. Thank you, It works.

The trial ends on 13 Aug 2024.


Thanks, it was working, but not any more. Even after clearing and pasting the cookies again, it now asks for the password.

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Tried it multiple times. Never auto logged in, always asked for password so thought hell, maybe I was dumb and the password from step 1 is the password for Udemy and I was just over thinking shit but sadly that didn’t work either.

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I tried multiple time not work.

can you help export your work cookie for me?

didnt work for me either

Not Working!

Updated please don’t logout the account


it working now thanks

Appreciate your efforts.
But there are people who don’t read this comment and logout.
Hardly anything can be done about it.
Just delete this thread you can’t keep replying to this post on a daily basis.


Okay that makes sense now. Ya kinda pointless as people will keep logging out as they won’t read this comment.

Just edit the post and add this note in post itself