Even Password Manager Users Are Still Reusing Passwords, Study Shows! πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ


  1. Persistent Password Reuse
    Despite using password managers, many subscribers continue to reuse passwords, according to a new report by Dashlane.

  2. Study Findings
    The study analyzed saved logins from millions of individual and business accounts, revealing that 48% of passwords in individual vaults are reused, with an additional 15% identified as compromised due to data breaches.

  3. Regional Security Scores
    The U.S. and Canada ranked the lowest in terms of password security, scoring 72.6 out of 100, the worst of all 14 regions analyzed in the report.

  4. Ongoing Vulnerabilities
    The report highlights the dangers of password reuse, which significantly increases the risk of hacking and data breaches for users.

  5. Password Health Importance
    Dashlane’s software includes a Password Health score to help users understand and improve their security practices, underscoring the need for better habits in password management.

Read more at: PCMag

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