Does a Vegan Diet Affect Your Intelligence?

“The vegan diet is low in — or, in some cases, entirely devoid of — several important brain nutrients,” argues the BBC. “Could these shortcomings be affecting vegans’ abilities to think?

According to the latest statistics, there are around 375 million vegetarians on the planet. In the West, veganism has ditched the hippie stigma to become one of the fastest-growing millennial trends; in the United States, it grew by 600% between 2014 and 2017. Meanwhile in India, meat-free diets have been mainstream since the 6th Century BCE

[T]he holes in our current understanding of what the brain needs to be healthy could potentially be a major problem for vegans, since it’s hard to artificially add a nutrient to your diet, if scientists haven’t discovered its worth yet… “I think we need a lot more research into vegan nutrition and health,” says Heather Russell, a dietitian from The Vegan Society. “As far as we can tell, it’s possible to lead a healthy life as a vegan — certainly there are people who thrive on a vegan diet.” Though it’s important to take supplements, she explains that a person’s cardiovascular and brain health are inextricably linked, and vegans tend to have healthier hearts

Nathan Cofnas, a biologist from Oxford University, takes a harsher view. Though vegans can take supplements, he thinks it’s unrealistic to expect that they all will. Consequently, he finds the recent shift towards plant-based diets troubling, though he’s sympathetic to the arguments for doing so. “Without question, veganism can cause B12 and iron deficiencies, and without question they affect your intelligence,” he says.

The BBC does cite various studies about specific nutrients, but ultimately drew an angry response from a microbiologist who describes themself as “a vegan with a Ph.D., who works alongside many sharp and bright vegans,” and complains the BBC is using outdated data, starting with the theory that meat consumption allowed humans to evolve larger brains.

This is now considered outdated thinking as recent research, published in the journal Nature, refutes this, arguing that a higher-quality diet, including some meat but also improved by cooking, coupled with the energy saved by walking upright, growing more slowly and reproducing later, fuelled the growth in brain size. Prehistoric humans ate some meat but that alone didn’t make them smart…

Sure vegans need to ensure a good B12 intake but so should everyone, as low levels of B12 are common in the entire population, regardless of diet. Everyone over 50 in the U.S. is advised to take B12 supplements and meat and dairy only contain it because animals are fed or injected with supplements… [A]ll major health bodies agree that well-planned vegan diets are appropriate for all people at all ages. For example: “It is the position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics [America’s largest organization of nutrition professionals] that appropriately planned vegetarian, including vegan, diets are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits for the prevention and treatment of certain diseases…”

I recently wrote a piece for Viva!'s magazine Viva!life about the trend in vegan-bashing articles and this FOMO (fear of missing out) approach is popular click-bait claptrap. However, articles like this do nutrition journalism no favours as misleading the public is irresponsible and dangerous.


I agree totally, I am on Vegan Diet for more than 6 months now, after cutting dairy. 1 have eaten meat and eggs maybe 2 or 3 times in my life and it was not that great as many people tout it to be. I wouldn’t have cut milk out of my diet too, but cows are injected with shit ton of chemicals to increase production and they are subject to quite a lot of cruelty for milk extraction, so I removed milk as well, and went full vegan.

Vegan diet is no doubt one of the best diets you can follow, the only downside is lack of a few nutrients and you can take supplements for them. Even if you are a non-vegeterian, you have to take B12 supplements anyways, since B12 producing bacteria is not found as much in soil as it was a few decades ago, thanks to all the modernization, and animals also get their B12 from the B12 in the soil, which is not that much nowadays. So eat animal meat or not, you have to take B12 anyways. Then why subject your body to eating non-veg:

  • It is quite cruel to the animal
  • Your body is made to easily digest Fruits > Then Vegetables > Then Grain, and not animal meat & products
  • It is more expensive than vegan meals

Only thing to take care of: Take B12 Supplements and if you can Stay in the Sun get your Vit D from there, otherwise consult your doctor and get appropriate supplement for Vit D.
That’s it.
Enjoy healthy, light and energetic life. :smiley:

EDIT: Documentary link removed.



Depending upon the region and places people have evolved for example people in Scandinavia don’t get enough sunlight so they require Vitamin D from salmon ,in order to survive they need to eat salmon to intake vitamin d , All Indian vegetarians consume cow’s milk on a daily basis and it is considered as a part of vegetarian diet ,depending upon the type of cow and climatic region each cow gives different kind of milk . studies done by researches are most of the time done on an improper scale , One thing which is true is that vegetarian food requires more time to get digested as compared to non-veg foods there is huge consumption of nuts by vegetarians . To be true one has to understand what they can genetically digest , for example so people are lactose intolerant they can’t digest it and some people enjoy it on a daily scale same way some people can’t digest non-veg food and face difficulty .

I would prefer to consume something which will make your feel good .

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Maybe you got some experience in nutrition, I am a scholar yet Vit D & B12 should be in everyone’s diet, depending on where you live you have to figure out how to maintain your health, whether you get it from Sun, or in some dietary form, or Supplements. Those are the basic building blocks for mental and bone health.

As for milk, (some 30 million to 50 million Americans are lactose intolerant, Lactose intolerance in adulthood is most prevalent in people of East Asian descent, with 70 to 100 percent of people affected in these communities) [Source: Gov Data] So if you can drink it its your choice, I have opted for better choice of foods and supplements for essential nutrients, owing to the previously mentioned oxytocin injections and ethical concerns.

I used to eat vegetarian and I always took my nuts in the breakfast, never with lunch or dinner so I don’t know if people eat nuts in their lunch, which should be very taxing on the digestive system? And I agree every person has to find out what suits their body best, and the best way to figure out is elimination diet.

The most attention you should focus is on maintaining a healthy and natural body, find out your way of eating and stick to it.
Because Your Health is Wealth. :+1:t2: :blush:

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in addition to being vegetarian I just wanna know that what sorts of spices you have used on a daily basis while being vegetarian

My mom made the food, but I prefer Green Chilly instead of ground red chilly where I can. And other than that all the normal spices, I do add a little bit more of turmeric in all my foods, as mentioned in Ayurveda, it’s an awesome herb. How do you prepare food SpardaKing?

1 more thing I would like to add, use stainless steel cookware or high end ceramic cookware if you can offord it. I learnt this very recently and it is a very overlooked thing in most people’s kitchens.