Analyze Images and Search For Face matching with PAnalizer


It’s a fact that Facebook’s face recognition system is more accurate than the FBI.

That would be awesome if we had one too!

Outside Facebook and FBI many creators try to develop such types of systems but they fail to increase the accuracy. We found one tool that is called Panalizer made for both Windows and Kali Linux.

Panalizer is basically a forensic tool that matches faces from a set of images and it is also used to search pornographic images in a specific directory.

Let’s test it on both Linux and Windows.

Installing and Testing Panalizer on Windows

Fire up your Windows machine and download the tool from Github. Now go to the directory where you have downloaded it. Right-click on the Address bar at the top and select ‘Edit address’ and type ‘cmd’ to open up the cmd at that directory.

Now you have to satisfy some requirements to run the tool. Run the requirements file by the command-

pip install -r requirements.txt

if you have the older version of pip installed in your computer, just have a look at the screenshot above, you will get to know what to do.

If you get any error while satisfying the requirements, you have to install the module manually with the help of ‘pip’. You can ask us for help in the comment box.

After satisfying all, run the script with the command-


Okay! We have installed it successfully.

Installing and Testing panalizer on Kali Linux

If you got succeed in installing it on Windows, then it is super easy to install it on Kali Linux. Just fire up your Kali Linux Machine and download the tool.

cd Desktop/

cd PAnalizer-master

cd PAnalizer-master


Run the requirement file with the command-

pip install -r requirements.txt

If you get any error with any module, install it manually by the command-

pip install module name

All procedures are the same as Windows. No need to worry.


Panalizer is not so useful tool but we can’t ignore it. It can help us in some situations. Panalizer is not even close to any face recognition system but you can get inspiration to build your own.

The tool is good in its place. What’s your opinion? tell us in the comment box. You may get many errors but feel free to describe the error in the comment box. We are always here to help you.