[SOLVED] Download database data info for free

First of all, there are no companies who will provide you free data but they can provide you free sample data . So you can check IDB sample database. You can request any sample data here: SAMPLE DATA After that, you can place your order.

Firstly please select the area(State, City, Country) for which you need the database. There are a lot of companies who provide country-wise database but only IDB provide the database States wise , Cities Wise , Country Wise , Category wise .

If you are looking for Mobile number of certain area then you can check IDB . Through this, you can find out the mobile number States wise , Cities Wise , Country Wise , Category wise . India Data Box Provide you Mobile no, Email ID, Address, etc

Advice: If you are sending bulk SMS then the message should be gone through 10 no digital number(Phone no) instead of an alphabetic number.

You can Check the IDB service for better result

As well, Datapark can provide you student database. and also check this: Student Database Files

I Still solved this, Good luck! :+1:

LASTLY, Something went wrong. You are willing to get something as FREE for FREE a thing that cost money or premium or whatever it is.