Xcode Tips For iOS Security Researchers

Reduce Disk Space

  • Note: on your own risk
  1. If don’t do the watchOS related work, delete:
  1. If don’t do the tvOS related work, delete:
  1. If only draw UI by programming, not using storyboard etc, delete(better keep it):
  1. do sim cleaning:
xcrun simctl delete unavailable
  1. delete unused device support files:
~/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport
~/Library/Developer/Xcode/watchOS DeviceSupport
  1. delete DerivedData:
  1. delete CoreSimulator cache:

Multiple Versions

If don’t care about the UI of Xcode, you don’t need to install two or more Xcode:

  1. copy the XcodeDefault.xctoolchain from the newer version to

then rename it, and use it later.
2. copy the SDK to:


and choose the sdk in Xcode’s project config pane.
3. copy the DeviceSupport to:

