WhatsApp Hacking | Script Trick ✨

:sparkles:WhatsApp HACKING :sparkles:

OTP Bypass Instructions

When victim enter his credentials, you need to go to original website and use those credentials to send real OTP to victim. Once he enter that OTP such OTP will also be there with you and you will be allowed to login the account before him.


the best tool for whatsapp-phishing with otp Bypass :sparkles::sparkles:


ngrok setup

Root - Must

Apache Server


add repo on kali

:fire:How to Intsall & Use​:fire:

root ---must !

git clone https://github.com/Ignitetch/whatsapp-phishing.git

cd whatsapp-phishing

chmod 777 Whatsapp.sh


Happy learning!


Thank you for all you share. I appreciate you

Sister, i have tried but it’s not working. Repository has been removed. please add repo again

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Anyone downloaded the repo before deletion? Please share