Watch tv channels for free

Hello guys, here is my first post on this site, hope will be useful.

the below site you can watch paid tv channel for free just follow the below steps:

  1. you have to register on this site

  2. you will get a confirmation email and password

  3. choose a trail for 24 hours.

  4. next 24 hours you have to register with another email address using a VPN


Nice Website, Thanks.

Too Bad the trial only lasts for 24hrs.

This one is better -


:ok_hand: :crossed_fingers: :+1:

Can’t we use temporary email ??

Nope !!
I have to say it is not worth it !!
Temp emails not working so either we have 30 40 legit emails we are done !!
I was hoping for something free without registering !!

use gmail dot trick to register

Love it. Thanks bro! :+1:

How man can you elaborate Thanks !!

Nice share @med_med Just tried it out and works well here. Streaming using Vlc.
Thanks for the share.

Just go to google and type Gmail dot generator and just genrate them on there. Its only a matter of putting a dot anywhere between your letters before the @gmail. Check it out.

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I just created an account how to use it !!

i mean where to find m3u files in site ??

Unfortunately, you have to create another email using a VPN for another country, and you will get a 24h trail.

must have a real email address.

You will get this message ASA you register on the site.

Let’s get start, and click on add line.

Choose your list from the bouquet list.

Save changes. and click on manage line, download the list as .M3U file as below.

Open the file using VLC. enjoy…

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@BadFella friendly site, but only US channels,

The best buy IPTV site has a word full channels.

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I checked many channels !!
Sports etc almost everyone works with given resolution !!
Thankx again bud !!

This is amazing !!
thanks man for your time !!

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@DukeForever you welcome :ok_hand: :ok_hand:

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