@Krishn_Ratan i have sent you a PM
Does it have node js
Yes but with a different plan. Check your PM.
Hello. I need the Linux Ultimate ( $8.80/ 750Rs ) - 1 Year plan.
I’ve sent you a PM
Hey is there any plans available for VPS
I’ve sent you a PM
just wanted by two questions answered!
1- does anza directly or indirectly benefit from this purchase? if yes, then how?
2- What do you mean by unlimited ram and cpu in plan 2? Like for example if i want 64 gb ram with 128 vcpu, i will get it for just $15
want to buy need to run node js vps will work
I have sent you a PM
Hello Interested.
In renewal
I have sent you a PM for renewal
Great service and fast response
I was renewing and it only took a few minutes.
Highly recommended.
Hi, intestested in hosting, details? ty
@H0P3 I have sent you a PM
Please tell me about premier package for 1 year including domain
@Media_Master i have sent you PM.
Best service. I have been using his service for the past 3 years. Never dissapointed. thank you bro.