The Templates Get Triple-Digit Likes And Double-Digit Retweets

Introducing The Templates:

Over 500 viral tweet templates, thread starters and sales tweets that just catch fire.

Reverse Engineered by Latimore.

Get paid $2k/mo ghostwriting by Molina (Included FREE with your purchase)

The Algorithm Hates You

And there’s 5 reasons why:

  • You don’t have pronouns in your bio
  • You’re based
  • You’re probably right wing
  • You’re a creator, not a consumer
  • You’re here to make connections and money (more on this below)

AKA you’re not Twitter’s puppet.

It’s not because you don’t comment 82 times a day.

It’s not because your followers don’t like you anymore.

It’s because (and you might not want to hear this)

You’re probably tagged with a big fat mark that says shadowbanned.

(Ever noticed how your engagement is significantly lower since the elections?)

Download & Backup

Happy learning!

DISCLAIMER: No Copyright Infringement Intended, All Rights Reserved to the Actual Owner.

This content has been shared under Educational And Non-Profit Purposes Only.


this is really informative and useful

Thanks a bunch