The Extreme Privacy & OPSEC Guide


Maslow’s hierarchy of needs prioritizes our most fundamental
requirements as basic physiological demands, physical safety, and then
social belonging. Many have simplified this as food, shelter, and love.
Many of my clients adapt this to anonymous purchasing options, a ghost
address, and a clean alias.

I should probably back up a bit here and explain some things about my
career. I have worked with fraud and cyber-security for over ten years.
After the initial years, I spent four years focused on extreme privacy
strategies as a major part of my business.

I was concerned a lot about a growing phenomenon called “doxing”,
which is the act of publishing complete personal details about a person
online. This includes full name, home address, telephone numbers, family
members, date of birth, social security number, and employment details.
I did not want to ever be on the receiving end of this, so I took action to
remove all publicly available details about me from the internet.

I borrowed heavily from other privacy enthusiasts such as JJ Luna and
was determined to perfect the art of personal privacy. My focus changed
from removal of public information to intentional disinformation which
caused confusion to anyone trying to stalk me. Eventually, I developed
complete solutions to starting over with a new life that could not be
connected to the previous.

Today, my primary focus is on extreme privacy and completely
disappearing from public records.

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Happy learning!


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