[SOLVED] uninstall kivy on windows without leaving tracks\traces on pc

hi fellow peers,

i need help with kivy (python3),

how do i go about it on a windows machine,
in terms of installing as well as uninstalling it?

the point is that in case i find it irrelevant to my needs (post-install), then i would like to get rid of it without any traces. please help.

does anybody have a solution ?

A full uninstall Of Kivy and its dependencies.

python -m pip uninstall kivy

python -m pip uninstall kivy.deps.sdl2

python -m pip uninstall kivy.deps.glew

python -m pip uninstall kivy.deps.gstreamer

python -m pip uninstall image

Since if you have the problem came after gstreamer, avoid again on reinstall

python -m pip install --upgrade pip wheel setuptools

python -m pip install docutils pygments pypiwin32 kivy.deps.sdl2 kivy.deps.glew \
 --extra-index-url https://kivy.org/downloads/packages/simple/

python -m pip install kivy

After that you should be able to run things as normal!

I hope this helps someone out there with Kivy issues on Windows 10


Use Ctrl+F to find keywords! :+1:

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thanks for help.
i’ll try it out, hopefully some time soon, to see how it goes.