[SOLVED] ubuntu and win 10

hi all :slightly_smiling_face:
i install ubuntu and use it for some months then i install win 10 on ubuntu but when i run the laptop win10 automatic run and i can’t access ubuntu os
thank you

Hold on a second, You installed Windows 10 On Ubuntu as In?

  1. Didn’t you Clean install windows 10?
  2. If not then did your machine have dual Boot option, I mean it can run 2 OS’es?
  3. If yes, then you must See the option to Run windows or Ubuntu at Boot-up, if there is no option then Probably you did what I have mentioned in number 1.

Kindly clarify. because when you’re looking for help you better Explain what have you done and what you’re looking for. Proceed…

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if i understand your first note > i install win 10 and work on it but after i install it the option of select ubuntu or win 10 isn’t appear now

Let’s make it simple > Did you Formatted and Installed the Windows 10 on the same Partition where Ubuntu was Installed recently?


no , i install win 10 on specific partition c: , and i don’t change any partitions of ubuntu

Ubuntu (Linux) is an operating system - Windows is another operating system… they both do the same type of work on your computer , so you can 't really run both a once. However, it’s possible to set-up your computer to run “dual-boot”. … At boot-time, you can choose between running Ubuntu or Windows. Go to the Bios and see under Boot option if your system have Dual boot option in it. Enable and try again. If the option not there, then I cannot run Ubuntu and windows 10 separately.

And If you want to run Ubuntu on windows 10 then Try Virtualbox, or VMPlayer to do the deed.

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ok thanks i will check the bios ,
thank you mr sam :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Try this steps

  1. Run Command Prompt in administrator mode
  2. Copy and paste the command bcdedit /set {bootmgr} path EFIubuntugrubx64.efi
    3.Press enter
    4.restart the pc

Thanks @G_SHOCK

@mohammed98 don’t get confused, this command will set the dual boot (if available) Here’s the Proper command to revert it back if the set command not works:

bcdedit /set {bootmgr} path \EFI\ubuntu\grubx64.efi

You don’t need to enter a password or anything like that. The command should run just fine given that your account has admin rights.

Restart and you’ll be welcomed by the familiar Grub screen. I hope this quick tutorial helped you to fix the Grub issue.

It did not work?

If the above entry didn’t change anything, you can reverse it using the command below:

bcdedit /deletevalue {bootmgr} path \EFI\ubuntu\grubx64.efi

Even if the above command didn’t work, try the command below to set the boot back to Windows.

bcdedit /set {bootmgr} path \EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi

If you are not able to boot into Windows installation, plug in the Windows installation disk and there you’ll have access to the command prompt.

Good luck!


Thanks @SaM for correct the steps right


thanks i access ubuntu , but win 10 don’t open so i come back and active c : partition from ubuntu os , i will plug the debian os , so laptop will read ubuntu os and show me Grub screen then i can choose win10 or ubuntu

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If windows is not showing in the GRUB you can try following in terminal:
sudo os-prober
If windows entry is shown in output run following:
sudo update-grub
This should add windows to grub list


yes it finally work :grinning::grinning::grinning: really thank you mr SAM , mr G_SHOCK
and mr gouku_pistol very much :heart::heart: