[SOLVED] I want to learn about entrepreneurship

I want to learn about entrepreneurship and looking forward to launch my own startup in the coming months.
I want to connect with the like minded people both in person and online.
Is there any such dedicated and strong community or group? (Apart from linkedin).
Please help me find such to discuss such startup ideas and things.


The best way to learn entrepreneurship is learning by doing. Start a business!

Before you do that, there are number of ways in which you can make yourself more prepared. You will never be fully prepared, but you can be more prepared than most. Here are some suggestions:

  • Practice leadership. You can do that as a scout, in a sports team, in a non-profit organization, etc.

  • Work for an entrepreneur or in an entrepreneurial company for a while

  • Read books about entrepreneurship (here is one list: http://schoolofherring.com/2015/…)

  • Read blogs about entrepreneurship. There is a lot of them, and many are very very good, such as this one by Mark Suster: http://www.bothsidesofthetable.com/

  • Watch or listen to every talk on Stanford University’s eCorner: http://ecorner.stanford.edu/

When you are ready to start your business, don’t start it immediately. Write a proper business plan and ask your friends and teachers/mentors to help you improve it before you start. You will learn most by doing, but it is also pretty smart to do a lot of thinking and planning first. It’s not the plan that will be useful for you; it is the planning . When you engage in planning work, your brain will be trained for the real-world situations you will encounter as an entrepreneur.


thanks man

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