[SOLVED] I need help creating a python program for my studies

I need help developing this program, i need help from you guys, who is good with PYTHON PROGRAMING LANGUAGE, i have 3 days left to make this application.

To help students understand their grades, UniColl administrative department has decided to
introduce a system that shows students their respective grades based on the marks entered against
the courses. As part of the IT team, you are to develop a system that calculates the grade of each
student as well as the Grade Point Average. The system prompts each subject and ask students to
input their corresponding marks.
The following scheme shows how to determine the grade:

Subject Credits Marks Grade Grade Unit
Math 2 0-39 Fail (F) 0
English 2 40-49 Pass (P) 2
Programming 3 50-59 Credit (C) 3
Database Desi 3 60-69 Distinction (B) 4
70 and above Upper Distinction (A) 5

Write a program to calculate the grade based on the marks inputted by the students. Your program
should request from the user particular subject’s marks to calculate the grade and the total points
for the semester. Further, apply loop control structure to continue the program until user enter ‘exit’.

The program should be user friendly by personalizing experience, asks student for the respective
grades in each subject (as tabled above in no particular order) and based on the user’s input,
calculates the grade and projects the Grade Point Average.
The table below gives an illustration of a ‘User X’ marks inputted, grades and the Grade Point

Subject Marks Inputted Grade
Math 43 Pass or P
English 55 Credit or C
Programming 88 Upper Distinction or A
Database Design 64 Distinction or B
Grade Point Average for this semester is 3.7

Note: The Grade Point Average is calculated as follows:
Total of (Grade Unit X Subject Credit) / Total of All Credits (10)
Apply appropriate user input validation in order to provide correct input by the user using an IDE
(e.g. Visual studio 2017 or IDLE). Your program should be able to ask the student if they wish to
use the system again after a session has been completed; this can be illustrated through the
implementation of the loop control structures. In addition, student input has to be validated to ensure
the correct input is entered (in this case, numbers only). From your experience using IDE to develop
the program, evaluate the importance of using an IDE (e.g. Visual studio 2017 or IDLE) in the
development process contrasted with not using an IDE (e.g. text editor, command console)
Hint: The illustration of pre-defined, user-defined functions as well as the use of global and local
variables are expected in your python programming codes to implement the grade system.

A description like Features and all stuff goes here…


Drop the requirements of tools/scripts here before user make the deal…


All the How to’s stuff goes here…

Bugs so far

Issue Reporting Guideline kinda stuff goes here…


Any important notes regarding tools/scripts goes here…


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you should hire a developer, I think!

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Yup, hire a Py Programmer

This is a really simple problem to do in Python. What have you done so far so we can help you improve further. I personally can’t write a solution for you because you won’t learn anything


It seems like the undergrad “Programming Language” 1st assignment :sweat_smile:. I agree with @swissbeats93. But I assume you are beginner and trying to learn programming for first time, and you don’t know where to begin. So, let me just guide you. (Please write your own code, at first it might look difficult but practice hard and it will get easier)

  1. First print the message and ask user to enter marks for one subject
  2. Input the marks and store it in a variable.
  3. Follow same for other subjects
  4. Use condition statements(if-else) on variable for grade calculation. For example if “programming” mark is more than 70 and less than 100 then grade is "Upper Distinction’ or “(A) 5”. Do this for all subjects.
  5. After writing conditions for all subjects you will realise that code is repeating, so, this is when you should define a function. So, define a function which takes marks and returns grade. (using “if” and “elif” statements inside function).
  6. Now, instead of writing all if else statements for each subject just call the function (one statement) for each subject to calculate grade.
  7. Grade point average is same as you learn in maths, just use that equation.(Given: Total of (Grade Unit X Subject Credit) / Total of All Credits (10) )
  8. I am leaving Loop control for infinite input for you to figure out.
  9. For personalising experience, print message where needed.So user can understand what to enter.
    I might have missed something, that is for you to determine :sweat_smile:

I don’t recommend hiring programmer, I recommend becoming one!
I am sorry if you missed the deadline. All the best with studies.