i create account on San Bernardino Valley College (.edu) i get email id but google drive not working show error ( We are sorry, but you do not have access to Google Docs Editors. Please contact your Organization Administrator for access) anyone help me…
Some college don’t give drive. Register to lcc.edu it worked fine for me
can you tell me how to reg icc.edu
Go to lcc.edu and apply
@beast is right!
Also, check you might have an account conflict. If you click on your picture in the upper right of Google Drive does it show multiple accounts? If so, sign out and only have one account active at a time. You can manage your accounts better by logging into Google Chrome and managing people.
Hello I am from Argentina. I have an openccc .edu account but it won’t let me enter the google drive due to the following error “you do not have access to google docs editors”. I saw someone with the same problem on this site and solved it by closing the accounts but it did not work for me. please help