[SOLVED] how to remove Mado file extention from files?

Today my friend downloaded windows activator and installed it. Suddenly he noticed all of PC’s file encrypt and file’s extension was replace with .mado and in every folder he found a “readme” text file, asking for $500.

Is there any solution for removing and recovery data?

Unfortunately your friend got infected by Ransomware.
There is no known solution for this infection even if your friend pays ransom there is no chance to get data back.
check back this URL,

There are lots of suggestion.


There is still no working way to decrypt files which were encrypted by this type of Ransomware, since it uses RSA Algorithm for the encryption method. The best thing I can offer to you, is to try data recovery tools, but most of them can’t totally recover your friend’s files. You can also keep the encrypted files and then clean the computer, and wait for any working method.

You can try to submit your files here as well to get identified.


Try this, it should work! :neutral_face:

Mado Virus File (.mado) Remove and Restore Files