[SOLVED] How to get premium wordpress plugins for free

That means you’re looking for “NULLED” plugins!

So, if you want to get nulled themes or plugins, you can directly google search with keyword, the theme/plugin name you want with nulled or null download tag at the ending, like this…

Yoast nulled download

  • If you are still lucky enough to get the latest backdoor version :slight_smile: you can try with exact version search query…

Yoast nulled download 12.8.1

BUT there is 99.99% chance your website will get hacked. On web you will get nulled or cracked versions. You will also probably get older versions.

Remember, you can’t update them and there could be hiddencode that cripples your website, not only that, theme designers often do it as their sole source of income, null themes take away from their livelihood

I know there are many premium themes & plugins which can be costly for a newbie.

What they say! I never tried something like this, So check at your own risk!

All WordPress plugins and themes are 100% original under General Public Licenses. The files provided on this website are not nulled or cracked. You can use the theme or plugin on unlimited websites without any restrictions.

YOU, can use Nulled plugin or theme to observe code but if you want to use it for a site of yours then you must not. I’ll tell you why!

It will increase number of unauthorized login attempts and your site will be hacked. When you use a Null theme, it gathers content of your site (DB) and keep sending that collection to some another location and you will be having no idea about that.

  • This is my personnel experience, some senior told me about this and I wanted to check this. I installed a NULL theme in my own site and I was just checking the back-end through WordFence. It was showing me that some IPs from Russia and China were trying to log into my site 250+ times a day and one day some IP from China hacked my site and added a RED BANNER on the homepage in Chinese language.

So you can learn from a Null theme or plugin but being a developer you must not go further with that.