Hello friends is there any site to hack wifi password?
February 28, 2020, 1:08pm
Hello friends! Today we are going to demonstrate WIFI- Phishing attack by using the very great tool “WIFIphisher”, please read its description for more details.
Wifiphisher is a security tool that mounts automated victim-customized phishing attacks against WiFi clients in order to obtain credentials or infect the victims with malware. It is primarily a social engineering attack that unlike other methods it does not include any brute forcing. It is an easy way for obta…
Top 12 Best WiFi Hacking Apps for 2019
1. Aircrack-ng
Aircrack-ng is one of the famous WiFi Hacking Apps. This wifi hacking app helps you in cracking the passwords of wifi. Its includes packet sniffer, wireless network detector, WEP and WPA/WPA2-PSK cracker and has analysis tool for wireless LANs. This wifi hackers app uses the best algorithms to recover wireless passwords by capturing packets. Once enough wifi hack password packets have been gathered, it tries to recover the pass…
It is one of the most searched queries on the Internet -How to hack WiFi Using Android Mobile? Is it possible to hack WiFi using Android? Well, kernel the answer is yes. Android is an operating system based on Linux kernel, so almost all such hacks and tricks are possible. But since an android device is not as powerful as a normal PC, there are certain conditions and requirements to be satisfied in order to hack WiFi with it. There are hundreds of fake apps and malware which claim…
The popular virtual pet of the 90s has evolved. Experts in ethical hacking report the emergence of Pwnagotchi, a “modernized version” of the popular Tamagotchi toy, assembled into a popular single-board computer model capable of intercepting network packets to subsequently access to wireless networks.
Pwnagotchi will not be for sale in any store, e-commerce website, dark web forum, etc. However, because the source code and instructions for the operation of this virtual pet will be available o…
We have compiled here a full collection of Best Free Hacking Android apps that can make your Android into a wonderful machine. You can do lots of hacking with these Android apps, like WiFi Hacking with Android apps, hack websites usernames and passwords. These all apps are free for download, so check the list of the apps below.
1. ZAnti Penetration Testing Android Hacking Toolkit
zANTI is a mobile penetration testing toolkit that lets security managers assess the risk leve…
Just typing wifi I was hit by these results. There are still a lot thread left to solve your query. I am too lazy to paste all those links here. Please help me by typing wifi in the search.
I have read all of these methods but they are difficult to implement and need kali lunix and rooted devices is there any easy method to hack wifi password ?
February 28, 2020, 1:26pm
If you don’t want to use kali or root the device then the only option is android dumper. Hack the wifis hacked by it.
It will never be easy. If it ever comes to just pushing a button everyone would do it which would force manufacturers to harden the security.
You could try social engineering.
Probably your best shoot if you don’t want or can study how to use the tools needed at the moment.
I’m new to all the offensive tech myself, social skills is still my best play to get in and it works really good as long as you are prepared.
February 28, 2020, 6:59pm
Have a look to this thread, it will help you much!
With this guide, the tools shown and the recommended hardware, you can find out almost any WLAN password.
In Hollywood movies it looks easy and little time consuming — the cracking of foreign WiFi networks. A fast typing person sits at a laptop and various network names appear on the dark screen in green lettering along with the corresponding passwords. But what does reality look like?
[Easy Method to Hack WiFi Passwords as a Total Beginner]
Behind the abbreviation WLAN (in English also ofte…
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February 28, 2020, 11:53pm
Reaver WiFi Hacking Apps
Reaver for Android, also called short RfA, is a WiFi hacker app that’s a simple-to-use Reaver-GUI for Android smartphones. Shipping with the monitor-mode support that can be activated and deactivated anytime, Reaver detects WPS-enabled wireless routers on its own. With its GUI, all the Reaver settings are available.
This wifi hackers app launches a brute force attack against WPS registrar PINs and recovers the WPA/WPA2 passphrases. Tested on a wide variety of devices, Reaver is able to get the target AP’s plain text WPA/WPA2 passphrase in 2-5 hours. Last but not least, Reaver for Android also supports external scripts.
Download Reaver