[SOLVED] Find duplicates and replace them with adjacent value

Hi everyone,
I have a problem, and I would like to ask for help.

I have two text files.

The first one contains multiple lines in this format:
characterstring : hash
characterstring1 : hash1
characterstring2: hash2

The second one is in this format:
hash: plaintext
hash2 : plaintext2
hash3 : plaintext3

I am looking for a way to replace in file 1 all the hashes by their plain text versions contained in the file 2.

The result should be a third file in this format:

Can anyone help me to achieve this? If possible with a python script



There are some sample python script available, if you can develop your own using these will do the work!


Python: Find Replace by Regex


Sadly, I still struggle to achieve what I’m looking for

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It’s hard to scan big text files with any tools, coded script will do the work for you.

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Hi @Dracaryu , You can use pandas for that!
Something like a vlook operation.

Eg: pokeman is a csv file say
with data in the below

Now Try this


pokemon_names = pd.read_csv("pokemon.csv", usecols= ["Pokemon"], squeeze= True)

pokemon_types = pd.read_csv("pokemon.csv", index_col= "Pokemon", squeeze= True).to_dict()


Does this help you?

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I am not used to that, but I will try.
Thank you for your help.

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How long is the text with the hash?

530k for the first one.
174k for the second one.

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Oh, you can try pandas, But it might be less efficient.
Here, I found some more helpful links.

This might actually help you.

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Thanks. I will check that.

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