[SOLVED] Fb group scraper

is there a tool to scrape fb groups members data ?


Most of them are outdated, because of change in API, but you can take a look to the code, to exactly know, how it works and build a scraper of yours, or hire someone from upwork or freelancing website to get this done for you! :slight_smile:

Custom built application or website (Example code)

It is best to use the official end points given by Facebook to extract data. This is important since scraping data from FB has been blocked by robots.txt file (How to Read and Respect Robots.txt).

Here is a GitHub repo on data extraction from FB pages and groups that uses FB’s API.

Here is the link: https://github.com/minimaxir/facebook-page-post-scraper (written in Python)

Positive point - the script has been created to scrape all the public posts (sign in not required) and comment from the page.

Negative point - there is an issue with FB API because of which it scrapes a very small subset of posts. According FB’s developer a new endpoint is under development right now which would allow chronological scraping of posts.

Another option

How to Scrape Members from Facebook Group

Another option

Mailbiz is a great scraping tool for this!

This Tools was created for all Digital marketers.

It has never been easier to get access to the millions of Facebook Groups and their members before. But Mailbiz make easier for you.You can simply Extract email from Facebook group,fan page,profile,event and more.

This tools called as all in facebook marketing tools.The best think is that , you can extract thousand of mail within a minutes.

THE BEST PART of Mailbiz is? SCRAPE email,phone number,Name and address from facebook groups,page,timeline,event with Mailbiz IN 3 SIMPLE STEPS

1.INPUT ID (Page,Group,event or id Url)




  1. Facebook email extractor

  2. Facebook phone extractor

  3. Advanced facebook search

  4. Post & schedule

  5. Content search

  6. YellowPages email extractor

  7. Facebook Ads Spy

  8. Ads Analytics

  9. FBEcom Winning Products

  10. FBEcom Trending Products

  11. FBEcom Product Database

Another Option…

This sounds like you’re also looking for the best way to extract email addresses from your facebook group and or page?

If your answer is yes, there is good news but in this case, I will be showing you how to extract email addresses from a facebook group.


There is this new chrome extension that has been created for this exact purpose and it’s named Group Leads.

Feel free to download it into your browser and start using it from the link below.

Group Leads : Facebook Group Lead Generation

Group leads helps you to instantly convert new facebook group members’ info into leads in two different places:

  1. Collect new members first name, last name, their location, their email addresses, user ID and other important information and dump them into Google sheet
  2. Collect members’ email addresses and add them to your favorite email marketing software.

It’s quite straight forward and easy to use.

Like someone above suggested copying and pasting the data to google sheet, that’s going to take too much of your time especially if you have a very large group.

With the above extension, you won’t have to be copying and pasting anymore.

You can save tonnes of time, build your email list & make more money from selling to your facebook group members with this little chrome extension.

Last, but Not Least, You Can Get These Extension and Addons for Your Browser, Just Need to Google! :wink:

Below are the Facebook Scrapping possibilities now.

  1. Facebook Group Extractor: Scrape Facebook profiles, names & information from members of Facebook groups
  2. Facebook Auto Liker: Automatically like posts of people you’re close to
  3. Facebook Event Guests Exporter: Extract a list of all guests of any Facebook event
  4. Facebook ID Finder: Find Facebook IDs from Facebook profile URLs
  5. Facebook Message Sender: Automatically send messages to Facebook profile
  6. Facebook Page Likers: Extract a list of all the profiles that liked any Facebook page
  7. Facebook Page Reviews Collector: Extract Reviews from a list of Facebook pages
  8. Facebook Post Commenters: Extract a list of all the people who commented Facebook posts
  9. Facebook Post Likers: Extract a list of all the people who liked Facebook posts
  10. Facebook Profile Scraper: Collect valuable information you need from Facebook profiles
  11. Facebook Profile URL Finder: Find Facebook profile URLs based on full names and/or company name.

Search like this for example >>> https://www.google.com/search?q=Facebook+Group+Extractor


thanks ,man