[SOLVED] anyone has SIN files

where can i get SIN Strategic Intelligence Network files ?

Strategic Intelligence Network (Files)

Grab them: https://gooddebate.org/sin/mirror/library/

If you prefer to use Syncthing to synchronize the complete library and get updated, follow these instructions:

  • Install lastest release of Syncthing (See syncthing.net for more informations)
  • For the ones not using Whonix or other gateway system, see Syncthing docs for SOCK5 proxy support.
  • Launch Syncthing and access the WebGUI or configure everything using the config file.
  • Add Device “SIN-Miror”, Device ID: GDZULMR-JL32BFJ-O25Z5SC-OOFD2WH-R6XA6UR-BHRRM7P-ZXKJ7OB-H46XFAY. Make sure to check it as Introducer to sync through others users so the process will be faster. Then SAVE.
  • Add Folder “StratIntelNet-Library”. Make sure to share it with “SIN-Mirror” and then SAVE.
  • Due to actual syncthing limitation, wait for me to accept your request. Once I will accept you, sync process will start. You will receive all Library files and updates.

Good luck! :+1:


wow thanks

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i have added but nothing happens
been more than 10 days

Sam is such a wizard. Hats off to you.

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Thanks SaM :blush: