Save Files from URL to Google Drive

The Links should be Direct Download Links

It will save files in Main Drive and not in shared drive

Instructions for creating your own web app :-


  • Open Google Dev Credentials Site.
  • Create a Project, name as you like.
  • Enable Drive API
  • In Credentials Page Click Create Credentials and then Click OAuth Client ID .
  • Select Web Application.
  • In Authorized JavaScript origins enter your domain name or IP whichever you are using for this app.
  • In Authorized redirect URIs enter your domain name or IP with /api/oauth/google/callback at last.
  • eg. for it’s
  • Copy your details.
  • You’ll need these 3 when deploying to Heroku using below button.

Deploy to Heroku

Before you deploy follow the above steps or it won’t work.


is it safe to use?
I mean did then can view my file which I upload through this?

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ya its safe coz the code is open source u can check on github
Also u can deploy your own but the procedure is lengthy and difficult coz it needs basic knowledge of Drive api and heroku


If you’re using a Google Suite email which has unlimited Google Drive storage, then your organization can see which files you have there.

For eg., suppose I have an email such as [email protected], and that is a domain in which the webmaster has a Google Suite account (with unlimited gdrive storage).

In theory, he/she can see files uploaded by all its members. Since I’m a member ([email protected]), my files can be seen by the admin.

As for the heroku script, I haven’t looked at it, but I suppose it’s safe. Just upload stuff you don’t mind losing.

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thanks for your concern!

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i tried saving a video , but its saved it as a binary file. what to do now

dude why r u spamming the same thg everywhere? u spammed here also

spamming is not the solution to get my attention…damn

Did u try renaming the file with the original extension? eg adding .mkv or .mp4 whatever to the file