Telegram is banning this type of channel so I have tips for keeping your channel alive.
Things are getting strict from now on, no matter if it’s Earth or you are using such platforms, Telegram is also, counting on you if you OWN any channel for any purpose, Anyway, note down these don’t and follow the dos to keep it growing:
- Don’t use the word C@rd use Trick
- Don’t even use b!n use Number (try to not add b!in)
- Don’t use h!ts (cr@cked ones) use the Database found
- Don’t use r@pe word
- Don’t use Str!pe 2D use Stripe form or gateway, similar content can also get busted
- Don’t use ćhecker use validator
- Don’t use generat0r use random digits
- Don’t share legal stuff just like that, it remains illegal for such purposes, Use keyword tricks or shorter URL types.
- No autopilot crap, money-making scams, affiliate links, btc tricks, etc!
These things can save your channel the most! These are experimental tips by such big channels to help others avoid being busted!
If your channel has more members, then start uploading some real legit tips so that Telegram automation can mark your channel as a tips and tricks channel, which is fair enough to help it avoid being marked as spam or banned!
Make your channel safe - This Post is here to make Awareness Only.
Happy Learning!
TIP: Be tricky, which means use tricks on keywords and inside URLs. Don’t just share plain stuff; make it different in reading.