Review Of A Few Proxy Providers!

It has been a big dilemma between which proxies people should use, which are good, which have fast speeds e.t.c. while you cracking, URL parsing/crawling/scraping whatever you call.

Here is what that noticed so far:

  • Side-providers (i will put everyone here that is selling aside from these big brands that we all know of). Mainly these consist of methods, one that a friend of mine told me where they kind of exploit the openvpn in nord and others, make a script that will constantly rotate from an ip to an ip on the vpn providers making it a proxy.

These have fair speeds while they have small customers. Mainly are good for private targets, I know when I found out about them, they were like $15/m and you got like 400 cpm on netflix gcs e.t.c. But definitely not recommended because just after a few more customers they die out and are bad for literally everything.

Very bad for url parsing. Very low speed - to none, failed queries.

  • Fineproxy

Were pretty good back in the day. Had great speeds and potential, but nowadays they are not recommended because their ips have been blacklisted from a few big companies like netflix, league of legends and others similar ones. If you crack private targets you will get good results and fast cpm, but with the new security systems that sites have they will die out a lot and make problems.

They are decent for url parsing but die out a lot and cause failed queries.

  • Proxyrack

This provider has been raped so hard but still somehow manages to keep on their feet. They have big proxy pools to which you backconnect with your private unique IPs.

For cracking they never have been “good”, always given mid-good/slow cpm, but stable and const cpm. Not recommended for cracking, not even fast on private targets, but will 100% keep cracking and never die out.

Not good for parsing either, reason is slow speed and takes too much time, but no failed queries.

Overall - stable proxies, not good because of their speed.

  • Storm Proxy

Not recommended because they keep logs. Speed is very unstable, I still haven’t figured out why it is. It varies like daily, or hourly. Can be fast, can be slow. On private targets it is decent so I guess kind of recommended for that.

For url parsing is same like proxyrack.

  • Advanced Name

Was one of the best providers I knew before with the best prices. WAS great for everything, cracking, url parsing, whatever the fuck you wanted to do. ATM has been raped pretty hard, for public targets it is very unstable, for private it is VERY FUCKING GOOD.

For url parsing WAS INSANE great fucking speeds, no failed queries, atm it is unstable and a lot of failed queries.

  • MoxyProxy

I have no fucking clue what to say about this provider. One moment it is fucking great, great proxy pool, private one, great speeds for literally everything except a few like netflix. Next moment worst proxy provider you can ever find shit for everything.

This provider is not recommended if the tools you are using don’t have an option to scrap proxies from a pool every 3-5 minutes. Basically you get a site with a list where the proxies change every 3 minutes, same like advanced name.


Allowed threads is 3K but it is a lie, allowed threads are like 500, because these retards count threads by requests and there are some badly coded tools that stack threads and make you use up 3k threads+ and without warning moxyretards ban your license and demands $10+ for unban.

Recommended if your nerves are stable!

  • OxyLabs

It was exploited quite a lot and used up quite a lot and a lot of people bought it afterwards. Very good speed, very stable provider, good for everything.

Bad side: Expensive, not a lot of bandwidth so can be used up very fast, so not good for cracking nor parsing.

NOTE: This is just a review with enough explanation, what to use, which one goes straight or faster or the best, I can’t spit it after all I have made enough review for you to choose. Good luck then!



Thank you with the clear guide and review.Well thought explanation from you Sam.

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