1- All Databases
You need SSH access and possible Super User Privileges to run this commands.
mysqldump --all-databases | gzip > /path/backups/backup_$(date "+%b-%d-%Y-%H-%M-%S").sql.gz
: utility to dump mysql database
specifies the user with mysql privileges with DB privileges… In this tutorial, I am using root user
specifies the password flag needed by the user.
flag specifies the host you are connecting to… You can simply ignore this if its localhost but if it’s a remote IP, you need to specify the IP address…
: Utility to compress the .sql file after dump file is created.
: $(date “+%b-%d-%Y-%H-%M-%S”) by adding this you are giving a date and time to your backups…
Single Databases"
If you’re just trying to backup a simple database you can run this command
mysqldump -h localhost -u root -ppassword dbname | gzip > /path/backups/backup_$(date "+%b-%d-%Y-%H-%M-%S").sql.gz
2 - To export the data to a remote host. I advice using rsync for this.
Eg. command to transfer the backup to a backup server…
rsync -av --progress /your/local/backup/directory/backup_$(date "+%b-%d-%Y-%H-%M-%S") .sql.gz [email protected]:/home/backups
rsync -av --progress /your/local/backup/directory/backup_$(date "+%b-%d-%Y-%H-%M-%S") .sql.gz
rsync – tool to transfer files
-v flag needed to view the output of rsync
–progress flag to see the progress of the transfer
/your/local/backup/directory path to your backup directory
backup_$(date “+%b-%d-%Y-%H-%M-%S”) .sql.gz this will be your backup file if you used the backup eg.in my first post.
[email protected]:/home/backups
root the user that has access to the remote server receiving the backup, in my case it;s root, you can change this accordingly.
@remote.ip.address.here the remote location or IP address eg. @45.36.324.23
: add this if the remote is using default SSH ports…
/home/backups this is the drectory you want the backup to be stored into
3 - Fast data import trick
$ mysqldump -h localhost -u root -p --extended-insert --quick --no-create-info mydb mytable | gzip > mytable.sql.gz
A bit more about this line:
it makes sure that it is not one INSERT per line, meaning a single statement can have dozens of rows.--quick:
useful when dumping large tables, by default MySQL reads the whole table in memory then dumps into a file, that way the data is streamed without consuming much memory.--no-create-info
: this means only the data is being exported, no CREATE TABLE statements will be added
To do the import do this:
Disable foreign key checks when importing batch data in MySQL
SET foreign_key_checks = 0;
/* do you stuff REALLY CAREFULLY */
SET foreign_key_checks = 1;
Add SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0; to the beginning of your sql file
cat <(echo "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;") data.sql | mysql
mysql --init-command="SET SESSION FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;"
You don’t need to run SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1 after as it is reset automatically after the session ends
Checkout Google if you are interested in backing up to their Cloud Service