Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop Help

I was looking out for Virtual Desktops and I found one in Microsoft Azure. In the pricing section I have come across something.
Here is the link -

In the eligibility section it says that people with Microsoft 365 E3 license has access to this service. I have one E3 license (Thanks to OneHack :slight_smile:).

Can anyone help me to avail this as I found the Azure Portal a bit confusing.
PS - I am new to Azure

Change user license assignments

On the Update license assignments page, if you see that some checkboxes are unavailable, it indicates services that can’t be changed because they’re inherited from a group license.

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal using a License administrator account in your Azure AD organization.
  2. Select Azure Active Directory > Users, and then open the Profile page for a user.
  3. Select Licenses.
  4. Select Assignments to edit license assignment for the user or group. The Assignments page is where you can resolve license assignment conflicts.
  5. Select the check box for Office 365 E3 and ensure that at minimum the all of the E1 services that are assigned to the user are selected.
  6. Clear the check box for Office 365 E1.license assignments page for a user showing Office 365 E1 cleared and Office 365 E3 selected
  7. Select Save.

Azure AD applies the new licenses and removes the old licenses simultaneously to provide service continuity.

For more details:


Thanks for answering.
In the license section I get this -

Here, the Assignments section is not available…
Is there anything wrong is this?