JSubFinder is a tool writtin in golang to search webpages & javascript for hidden subdomains and secrets in the given URL. Developed with BugBounty hunters in mind JSubFinder takes advantage of Go’s amazing performance allowing it to utilize large data sets & be easily chained with other tools.
Install the application and download the signatures needed to find secrets
Using GO:
go get github.com/ThreatUnkown/jsubfinder wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ThreatUnkown/jsubfinder/master/.jsf_signatures.yaml && mv .jsf_signatures.yaml ~/.jsf_signatures.yaml
Basic Usage
Search the given url’s for subdomains and secrets
$ jsubfinder search -h
Execute the command specified
JSubFinder search [flags]
-c, --crawl Enable crawling
-g, --greedy Check all files for URL's not just Javascript
-h, --help help for search
-f, --inputFile string File containing domains
-t, --threads int Ammount of threads to be used (default 5)
-u, --url strings Url to check
Global Flags:
-d, --debug Enable debug mode. Logs are stored in log.info
-K, --nossl Skip SSL cert verification (default true)
-o, --outputFile string name/location to store the file
-s, --secrets Check results for secrets e.g api keys
--sig string Location of signatures for finding secrets
-S, --silent Disable printing to the console
Examples (results are the same in this case):
$ jsubfinder search -u www.google.com $ jsubfinder search -f file.txt $ echo www.google.com | jsubfinder search $ echo www.google.com | httpx --silent | jsubfinder search$ apis.google.com ogs.google.com store.google.com mail.google.com accounts.google.com www.google.com policies.google.com support.google.com adservice.google.com play.google.com
With Secrets Enabled
note --secrets=""
will save the secret results in a secrets.txt file
$ echo www.youtube.com | jsubfinder search --secrets=“” www.youtube.com youtubei.youtube.com payments.youtube.com 2Fwww.youtube.com 252Fwww.youtube.com m.youtube.com tv.youtube.com music.youtube.com creatoracademy.youtube.com artists.youtube.com Google Cloud API Key found in content of https://www.youtube.com Google Cloud API Key found in content of https://www.youtube.com Google Cloud API Key found in content of https://www.youtube.com Google Cloud API Key found in content of https://www.youtube.com Google Cloud API Key found in content of https://www.youtube.com Google Cloud API Key found in content of https://www.youtube.com
Advanced examples
$ echo www.google.com | jsubfinder search -crawl -s “google_secrets.txt” -S -o jsf_google.txt -t 10 -g
use the default crawler to crawl pages for other URL’s to analyze-s
enables JSubFinder to search for secrets-S
Silence output to console-o <file>
save output to specified file-t 10
use 10 threads-g
search every URL for JS, even ones we don’t think have any
Enables the upstream HTTP proxy with TLS MITM sypport. This allows you to:
- Browse sites in realtime and have JSubFinder search for subdomains and secrets real time.
- If needed run jsubfinder on another server to offload the workload
$ JSubFinder proxy -h
Execute the command specified
JSubFinder proxy [flags]
-h, --help help for proxy
-p, --port int Port for the proxy to listen on (default 8444)
--scope strings Url's in scope seperated by commas. e.g www.google.com,www.netflix.com
-u, --upstream-proxy string Adress of upsteam proxy e.g (default "")
Global Flags:
-d, --debug Enable debug mode. Logs are stored in log.info
-K, --nossl Skip SSL cert verification (default true)
-o, --outputFile string name/location to store the file
-s, --secrets Check results for secrets e.g api keys
--sig string Location of signatures for finding secrets
-S, --silent Disable printing to the console
$ jsubfinder proxy Proxy started on :8444 Subdomain: out.reddit.com Subdomain: www.reddit.com Subdomain: 2Fwww.reddit.com Subdomain: alb.reddit.com Subdomain: about.reddit.com
With Burp Suite
- Configure Burp Suite to forward traffic to an upstream proxy/ (User Options > Connections > Upsteam Proxy Servers > Add)
- Run JSubFinder in proxy mode
Burp Suite will now forward all traffic proxied through it to JSubFinder. JSubFinder will retrieve the response, return it to burp and in another thread search for subdomains and secrets.
With Proxify
- Launch Proxify & dump traffic to a folder
proxify -output logs
- Configure Burp Suite, a Browser or other tool to forward traffic to Proxify (see instructions on their github page)
- Launch JSubFinder in proxy mode & set the upstream proxy as Proxify
jsubfinder proxy -u
- Use Proxify’s replay utility to replay the dumped traffic to jsubfinder
replay -output logs -burp-addr
Run on another server
Simple, run JSubFinder in proxy mode on another server e.g Follow the proxy steps above but set your applications upstream proxy as
Advanced Examples
$ jsubfinder proxy --scope www.reddit.com -p 8081 -S -o jsf_reddit.txt
limits JSubFinder to only analyze responses from www.reddit.com-p
port JSubFinders proxy server is running on-S
silence output to the console/stdout-o <file>
output examples to this file