Instacart Refund Method


  • Order must be under $300 subtotal + tax (other fees do not matter)
  • No item limit
  • For additional refunds you should make a new account
  • Works unlimited times per address
  • At least one item which isn’t refunded (anything works)

There are two methods which work on different types of orders.

Method One - Missing Items - This method works instantly on almost every item as long as the subtotal is below $300. It can be used on food, tech, or anything you want. All you do is tap “Report an Issue”, “Missing Items”, and lastly you select the items you want refunded and click report (leave at least 1 item which you’ll be paying for). Refund is usually issued within 0-10 minutes.

Method Two - Spoiled Items - This method only works on consumable items such as food. It will be instant as long as the subtotal is below $300. All you do is “tap report an issue”, “select spoiled/expired items (same thing)”, select the items you want refunded (leave at least 1-3 which you’ll pay for), and submit the request. Most of the time it’ll be done within 0-10 minutes.

On certain orders you can combine these methods for the best experience.
