Hello, I had a YouTube channel in year 2017 which was also linked with Adsense , I also earned 10$ so I received verification too , but due to greed I did some unethical stuff that’s why my account was disabled , now I again want to start my YouTube channel so can I use same laptop for creating Adsense and YouTube account ? and use same address for verification purpose ??
Please help me and sorry for bad English
As your previous account was disabled so now if you want to apply for new AdSense then use New email, new phone number, and new address for verification. If you use the same address there is a possibility for disabling again.
Can I use same laptop ?
you can do that, i have multiple channels and one of them was banned , but it didnt affect any other channel, be sure to make different channels on different gmail accounts.
Your channel links
Thanks for help☺️
if I am reading correctly, was your Adsense Account banned too ?
because if your first adsense account gets banned then you are over doing business with google.
as google is stone cold when it comes to its advertising services.
Yeah, my account was banned . Now I m planning to create another Account
yeah, as per Adsense tos you cannot create another individual adsense account, but I have seen people on the web claiming to have their another adsense account verified after the first one was banned. I don’t know if that’s true or not.
we generally don’t read long terms and conditions page of google, but in this case, you should.
however, it’s not THE END
Yeah it’s against the policy but you create with your family members name