How To Remove EXIF/Metadata From Pictures

Quick little guide on how to remove EXIF/Metadata from pictures

  • EXIF data is data stored on a every image. In contains identifying information on location, camera model, and more. Useful to remove if you do not wish for an image to be linked back to you or your device.

What is EXIF/Metadata

Metadata connected to photos is stored in a format called “Exchangeable Image File Format” or EXIF. And the EXIF metadata include

  • Make and model of the phone/camera
  • Data and time the photo was taken/modified
  • Location in which the photo was taken (GPS coords)

Removing EXIF/Metadata from a photo (windows)

  • Right click on the picture in question and select ‘properties’
  • Click the details tab, at the bottom of the drop down there should be an option to remove properties and personal information
  • Click the select all to remove all potential properties

Modifying EXIF/Metadata

Happy learning!


Hi @PlayBoy83
Thank you for sharing

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Thanks for this! I believe you could do a bulk change on the above method you shared, too!

Alternatively, if you have a bunch of jpg files, you could use EXIF Purge and get it done.

Also on Windows Photo app (maybe MacOS?) if you open a raw image file (DNG, CR2, NIX, etc.,) then "Save As…’ a .jpg it completely removes any EXIF data, which to a pro photographer would be annoying most of the times when they’re organizing them. I don’t know if this is a bug, but, its great for this purpose! :smiley: