How to install wordpress in localhost on windows?

How to install worpress on windows?

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There are many alternative tools to do the deed, But, users always hope how it works and how secure it is, so, asking such questions is allowed to let anyone redirect you to something promising.

Here I am…

  1. Recommended, More secure solutions are given by WordPress devs themselves, Kindly, dig in and continue following this article: Installing WordPress on your computer (Remember, Local/Locally? that means Operating system) it shall help you install in localhost on windows.

  2. Optional, follow this Article, and review using this method is 100% successful: Install WordPress Locally on Windows (Scroll it up or down to get more methods)

  3. Optional, For more visual steps, follow this video and instructions: How to Install WordPress Locally on Windows for Beginners from Scratch

Enjoy & Happy Learning! :heart:


Thanks for the share.


Thanks for sharing the informative post.

For me xampp has always been a straitforward solution to build web apps locally that use Php/mysql ,like wordpress,joomla etc.

Another great solution is Laragon ,if you want to have nginx enabled also.

For me the best solution of all is to dockerize wordpress (use docker) which a bit more advanced ,but the most solid solution!

Happy coding!