How to Hack Web Browser ๐ŸŒ Using BeEF | Module: Man In The Browser

Module: Man In The Browser

This module launches a great Man-In-The-Browser hack : the module loaded will handle every click on a new link. For links in the same domain, it will make an AJAX request and load the new page instead of the old one and add the page in the history, there is no difference for the user with a classical load but the browser is still hooked. Due to the Same Origin Policy, it is not possible to have the same behavior on other domain, so in this case, the module will open the link in a new tab.

  • Note that this module will cease working if the user manually enters a new URL in the address bar.

I - Starting BeEF

  1. Introducing BeEF
  2. Installation

II - Basic Utilization

  1. Configuration
  2. Interface
  3. Information Gathering
  4. Social Engineering
  5. Network Discovery
  6. Metasploit
  7. Tunneling
  8. XSS Rays
  9. Persistence
  10. Creating a Module
  11. Geolocation

III - Advanced Utilization

  1. RESTful API
  2. Autorun Rule Engine
  3. Notifications
  4. Console
  5. WebRTC Extension

IV - Development

  1. Contributing
  2. ActiveRecord
  3. Development Organization
  4. Architecture
  5. BeEF Javascript API
  6. Step By Step Module Creation
  7. Creating a New Extension
  8. BeEF Testing
  9. Browser & OS Compatibility
  10. Database Schema
  11. Development Milestones
  12. Command Module Config
  13. Command Module API

V - References

  1. FAQ
  2. Other
  3. References
  4. Modules
  5. ReleaeseNotes